Hypnobirthing with Blissful Birth

Blissful Birth is about you, your baby and your birth. It’s about what you want when you give birth to your baby. Teaching Hypnobirthing and relaxation classes in Northern Ireland and remotely I will help you to have the calm and positive birth you want by practicing self-hypnosis and deep relaxation techniques, gentle partner massages and listening to comforting positive affirmations and guided relaxation audios. These techniques will help you to bring strength and confidence throughout pregnancy and labour when you need it most. Hypnobirthing is a complete birth preparation course, that gives you an in-depth understanding about your own body and about how your muscles and hormones can (are supposed to) work in harmony during childbirth. It prepares you with knowledge about the maternity system, your birth choices, rights and available options for you and your baby. Hypnobirthing will further provide you with all the tools to use during pregnancy and labour and will help you to alleviate any fears. However, these powerful tools and techniques need to be practiced! Relaxation is a skill, believe it or not, and like all skills, they need to be trained in order to achieve your best performance.

The sweet side of pregnancy and birth

You are pregnant !! Congratulations on growing your own little bundle of happiness! If you really think about it: YOU ARE GROWING A BABY! Isn't nature amazing? I mean having the ability to grow a whole new human being inside of you. And for this one time in your life, you're actually having two (or more if you're having multiples) hearts beating inside your body. Your baby's heart just right next to yours. It blows my mind every time I think about it. And then, after months of carrying your little one inside of you, you are going to birth your baby, just like that. Well... not quite... but it is nature again showing us, just how amazing our body is. How perfectly we are capable and prepared for birthing a baby. Did you know, that baby and mum actually work closely together during labour? That baby wiggles his or her way through the the birth canal and as baby does that, baby's head will change position in order to fit and move through the pelvis. As baby moves down the head is flexed down, so that the chin is tucked and therefore easier for baby's head to pass through the pelvis. And if that is not amazing enough: Baby does some internal rotation too in order to fit the shape of our pelvis. While baby's head rotates, extends or flexes during labor, baby's body will remain in position. One shoulder down towards our spine and the other shoulder up towards our belly. Finally, when baby's head is about to crown it rotates under and around the pubic bone. Once the head is out, baby will rotate again in order to be in line with the body and to fit one shoulder and the rest of the body through. WOW! Baby works hard during labour, just like you, Mama! How does baby know all the movements? It is almost as if nature knows what it's doing... isn't it?

What exactly is Hypnobirthing?

Hyno-what?? Hypnobirthing helps you to birth YOUR way. To trust the natural process. To gain confidence in your body. To train your mind. To connect with your primal instincts and to birth your baby like a goddess: full of strength and confidence! It means to connect with your inner peace, find calm and strength to birth your baby the way nature intended: without fear. Hypnobirthing uses techniques to empower you to take control of your pregnancy and birth. It teaches you relaxation skills (yes, it's a skill!) through visualisation, breathing and self-hypnosis techniques. Hypnobirthing delivers a positive view of birth (as nature intended) and shows you, that childbirth does not have to be painful. The aim is, to have a shorter, more comfortable and easier labour.

The secret …
… and the fuss about Hypnobirthing

Hypnobirthing is about learning the ability of self-hypnosis in order to combat any fear and pain during childbirth. It's worth knowing that Hypnobirthing (not only here in Belfast, NI) is for absolutely everyone and for any birth, in any birth environment and under any birth circumstances whether it is a cesarean birth, a water birth, a home birth or anything in-between - Hypnobirthing enables you to make informed and confident decisions that are right for you and baby, to take control of your pregnancy and birth and to be in charge of your emotional responses throughout labour  

How does it work?

No, using Hypnobirthing techniques will not promise you a pain-free birth. BUT there is lots of women who describe what they felt during labour as sensation. Childbirth isn’t meant to hurt – it is just meant to be felt, of course. If you really think about it: during labour your body is using so many muscles, that it would be surprising if you wouldn’t feel anything at all. It is a bit like running a marathon: the sensation you feel starts slow and weak and builds up over time, until your muscles have worked so hard that your hormones take over, flushing your body with lots of endorphins and make you feel so, so good. And just when you think you cannot run the remaining 50 yards... you are almost at the finish line. So yes, you will feel birthing your baby, simply because you are supposed to feel it. Hypnobirthing will equip you though for the birthing marathon.


Quick overview about the questions asked most ...

  • Will Hypnobirthing guarantee a natural birth?

    No, it won’t. It can’t. Hypnobirthing can help you to let your body (muscles, hormones etc.) and baby work in harmony and undisturbed, which can help you birth comfortably and without any interventions – BUT, labour is like life and has its own turns. We cannot possibly foresee them. We can only get prepared, face birth without fear, surrender and let our body do the job its designed to do… and face any unexpected turns with positivity and calmness.

  • Is Hypnobirthing for cesarean births too?

    Yes. Hypnobirthing is for ALL births including cesarean and assisted births, births at home or in the woods, births with or without partner, births in hospitals, midwife-led units or birthcenters, births that happen super fast or spontaneously in the car, an office or in the shopping mall. All jokes aside: it does not matter HOW you birth your baby. What matters is, how you feel when birthing your baby. Every woman deserves a positive and empowering birth and for that there is no rule on how or where you should birth your baby. What matters is also to know how to stay calm and relaxed, whenever and whereever you want.

  • Is it not just Hippy nonsense?

    Not really. It’s actually logical and straight forward stuff. You will learn things about your very own reproductive system that are worth knowing. You will learn how to condition yourself and how to trigger certain (wanted) emotional responses, how to relax on demand and how to make use of your natural built-in pain relief called endorphins. It’s just called Hypnobirthing, because it uses techniques to have a positive birth – you can use same techniques though for various events in your life.  

  • Will my birth partner be bored during the course?

    That really depends on the person of course, but I can certainly promise you, that it is useful for your birth partner: he or she will learn how to best support you during pregnancy and labour, how to keep you safe and comfortable and how much he or she is actually needed during birth. This course is also interactive to keep everyone engaged and happy.

  • Can I attend without my birth partner?

    Yes, you certainly can. I just would like you to notice, that most women will join with their birth partner and certain exercises work best with your partner. But that’s being said, if you would like to attend alone, I will guide you through the course myself and we will make it work! You can then share everything with your birth partner at home if you like. It is also ok to bring a friend, a parent or sibling – whoever is going to be your partner during the course and/or birth.

Not sure if Hypnobirthing is for you?

No worries - I created an Introduction to Hypnobirthing for you to watch. Reach out to me if you still have any questions x 

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Not sure if Hypnobirthing is for you?

No worries - check out my FREE Hypnobirthing introduction video